Singaporean couples/single mothers, or Singaporean Permanent Residents wishing to adopt a baby need to have obtained their ASA (Adoption Suitability Assessment) before they are eligible to adopt a baby/child. Please do not delay in doing your ASA, as it will take more than 3 months to complete it. ASA is a mandatory regulation by MSF (Ministry of Social and Family Development) for prospective adoptive couples to obtain prior to adopting. Once your ASA is approved and issued to you, you are eligible to adopt Chinese, Indian and Mixed race (Upon request only) babies/infants according to your ethnicity from Malaysia, through Lotus Child Adoption Agency International.
Please register and attend your Pre-Adoption Briefing (PAB) before your ASA process can commence. You are also required to attend the disclosure talk by MSF. Please visit MSF Adoption Webpage for more information.